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10 Important Actions You Must Take To Have A  Successful Business
Written by Stephen Scammell on Sep. 3rd 2020

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As Entrepreneurs we are constantly looking for strategies or techniques to improve the way our business operates and hence it is important we consider proven concepts that work in other types of businesses.

The following aren’t necessarily in the order of importance, but if all are implemented you can’t help but make your business succeed.

1. Create a Data Base of all your clients. You need all pertinent data like name, email, mobile number, postal address, spouse’s name, birthday for them and their spouse. I would also gather data of every family member. The more information you gather about your clients, the more value you can provide them with the products in your portfolio.

2. If possible, connect with your customer/clients weekly. If you can’t do it weekly then do it monthly, but, make it consistent.

3. Dominate your market by becoming the expert that everyone goes to when they need the kinds of products and services that your business offers.

4. Create or run Special Events. ie., "Give A Little And Get A Lot— how this simple principle can cause a crowd of people to market your business to the world! Invite both clients and prospects to these events.

5. If possible, do a regular 30-minute Facebook or YouTube Live session. In it, identify and address the pain your listeners are in and how you and the products your company offer are able to help them.

6. Each time a customer buys from you, put the transaction in your data base and have an employee call or email to thank the purchaser for being your customer. Take the opportunity to ask the customer: “Why do you purchase from us and not our competition.” They will give you information that you can use to help create more customers.

7. Create a Referral System where you elevate your customer/client from being a regular customer to becoming an advocate or what we call a Raving fan of your business.

8. Make sure your advertising is emotional, direct, responsive and measurable. Create a free report or a gift, a discount coupon, a white paper, etc.

9. Incorporate an Up-sell. Create a bundle of your products and offer them to your customers as a package. The toughest part of the process is getting a prospect to buy from you for the first time, once done consider other products that can benefit your new clients.

10. Inspect what you expect. Periodically call the office or your business to make sure people answer the way they have been trained. You only get one chance at first impressions, so make sure it is a powerful one.
By implementing these 10 strategies in your business, you will see a rapid rise in new leads, new clients and hence more profits.
You may well now have several of these strategies working for you in your business with proven success. Expanding the list to include all those listed will see your business jump way ahead of the competition.

If the thought of implementing these strategies sound too daunting, then give us a call and we can show you how to do it.

About Author: Stephen Scammell

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